We are excited to announce the option to use digital music files to Region 8 units for the 2024 season. Units are not required to use digital music files but it is encouraged.
Music formats accepted:
- CD – *Preferred, tried, and true physical CD
- Digital -Upload your music using the instructions below (**NEEDS TO BE UPLOADED BY THURSDAY AFTERNOON THE WEEK OF A SHOW OR CANNOT BE ACCEPTED FOR THAT WEEK **)
- Digital From Device using Bluetooth or .35mm jack. This will only be done at the discretion of the announcer due to compatibility and to ensure show continuity. This option NOT TO BE USED A PRIMARY SOURCE.
To upload your music:
Please name all files using this 3-part format Separate each section with a dash (-)
(1)Group Name (2)ShowName (3)VersionNumber
Example: BigCityHighSchool-BestShowEver-1.mp4
*Version Number allows for uploads of updated music throughout the season
See below for the link to upload your music and announcer form.
Announcer’s Form:
- Follow this link to download and fill out the “Announcer Form” (Word Document)
- Bring the printed form with you to your first show, OR
- Name the files using this 3-part format Separate each section with a dash (-) and upload it
(1.)Group Name (2)ShowName (3)VersionNumber
Example: BigCityHighSchool-BestShowEver-1.docx
*Version Number allows for uploads of an updated form throughout the season
Upload Music file and Document file:
- Upload form and music file using following link: https://www.dropbox.com/request/qWl6yQh6qWmiHJKSzLVX
Sound Check:
- Sound Checks will be done up until 10 min before start of show and during intermissions ONLY
*** TOB Indoor Region 8 is not responsible for corrupt or unplayable files ***
*** Please always have a physical backup with the group on performance days ***
Any Questions? Email Matt Wilson, Region 8 Indoor Announcer, at MCTOB8@outlook.com